The fundamentals of this journal are strong
Journal Entry: Wed Sep 26, 2012, 5:35 AM
Be careful what you agree to"York Regional Police makes no representations, warranties or guarantees of any kind, express or implied, as to the content, sequence, accuracy, reliability, timeliness or completeness of any of the information or data provided herein".
So starts the document before the Crime Map that I found out about from following @YRP on Twitter.
To that statement I can wholeheartedly attest. From my experience I've concluded the York Regional police take no responsibility for accuracy, reliability, timeliness or completion of any of their duties.
But I will not be looking at the YRP Crime Map, because I would
YRP needs to read their own pressHere is the CODE OF PROFESSIONAL ETHICS as posted on the York Regional Police Force website
Understand their primary responsibility is to share with the community the responsibility for improving quality of life by safeguarding lives and property, preventing and investigating offences and preserving peace and order.
Are guided by the values of the service which include our people, community, integrity, leadership, accountability, competence and teamwork.
Appreciate the importance and responsibility of their
AUTHORIZED Ridicule Hatred & Contempt"Taxpayers are footing the bill for a defamation lawsuit filed by Georgina Mayor Rob Grossi"
It sure must be nice to be able to dip into the pig-trough of our tax dollars to defend yourself against defamation.
I too have been subjected to ridicule hatred and contempt, Mayor Grossi.
I have also suffered personal embarrassment and humiliation at the hands of the authorities in Georgina and York Region, so I have some questions for the Mayor.
Were YOU treated like a criminal by lawless police, Mister Grossi?
Did YOU get handcuffed and have your ar
They want you to remain IGNORANTThe York Regional Police Budget is being negotiated in secrecy.
One of every three tax dollars spent in York Region goes to the police.
Regional Councillor Danny Wheeler is quoted as saying "an open budget process will arm criminals with information about the operations of a police force"
When GARBAGE theories like this are floated by Danny Wheeler and other law enforcement apologists, I am compelled to respond.
This is an INSULT to the citizens of York....but let's extrapolate, and take it to it's illogical conclusion anyway, shall we?
Detective Substandard KnowledgeAs anyone who has been following me knows, I am less than impressed with the "professional standards and practices" of the York Regional Police, and their partners in crime, the Catholic School Board.
TWO detectives from the Bureau of "professional standards and practices" (one of them laughingly, try and guess which one :D ) dismissed my allegations of torture and mistreatment at the hands of their colleagues.
Both of these detectives, Mike Stock*, and douchbag Phil Moreau, said this exact same quote.
"I don't agree that what happened to you was torture".
Based upon WHAT?
Your previous experience torturing people?
Your experience of b
Journalism is hard, just ask Tracy KibbleHere is a hopefully still ongoing exchange between the Editor of the Georgina Advocate, Tracy Kibble, and I.
This is the e-mail I sent to get the conversation started:
Have you been following the ball ban story coming out of Toronto, Tracy?
Here is today's journal entry, entitled 'Give me balls or give me death'
I find it fascinating how some media deal with officials who overstep their authority in OTHER parts of Canada.
This brave approach is sadly lacking here in Keswick.
Your silence emboldens criminals in positions of power.
Saying nothing ensure
This is "police constable" Chris Hyland, who had a hand in my torture and wrongful imprisonment.
After "detective" Peter Duguay illegally interrogated me without the legal council I requested, Chris Hyland issued me an illegal ticket.
When I told Chris Hyland that I was going to fight this bullshit charge, he tried to trick me by saying
"No, this isn't a ticket where you go to court, you just pay it".
Then I was threatened by Detective Sargeant Braybrook, with mountains of charges, if I didn't just pay the fine.
Finally, after the York Regional "court" system found me guilty of trespassing without ANY EVIDENCE of the
It's called HYPOCRISY, Officer#KeswickProblems When an off-duty York Police Officer speeds his motorcycle through a subdivision full of children.
The same children that the York Regional Police were SO concerned for, that they tortured and imprisoned me without bothering to gather any evidence that I had committed a crime.
The cop that I saw speeding has given me the "hairy eyeball" treatment on numerous occasions.
What a shame I didn't have my camera ready to catch this infraction...perhaps next time.
It's called HYPOCRISY, neighbour....look it up.
"Just go the other fucking way" - Constable David Flood violating the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms by trying
MrFlagg, the cowardly lyingThis is a conversation I had on Twitter, with someone who has made vile allegations without feeling the need for evidence, sound familiar?
He calls himself Mr. Flagg, or MrFlagg, depending on the forum he is polluting.
MrFlagg has made disgusting comments about me on a number of occasions.
He slinks about online, insulting people, then hiding behind his anonymity.
The reason I called him on this first comment is, that what he is advocating, a common bawdy house for Keswick, is an ACTUAL crime.
I think the local police, who were the co-authors of some revolting bits of gossip about me, should investigate MrFlagg.
The York Regional Po