Monday, August 26, 2013

My dead father doesn't need a health card

Service Ontario sent a letter to my father, who died in 2003, requesting "re-registration" of his Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) Card.
My mom tried to contact them by telephone, but, as a senior citizen, she was unable to navigate their labarynthine phone system.
So she sent back the form, with "DECEASED AUG 4 2003" across it.
We thought that would be the end of it....

...the idiots sent it back. :iconfacepalmplz:

I just left them a strongly worded e-mail, informing them, yet again, that my dead father doesn't much feel like filling in the form they've sent us twice now, so could they please stop wasting our taxes and upsetting my mother.

Hopefully, the message will penetrate their thick fucking skulls this time, but, just in case, I'm going to make this journal entry as available to Ontario Government types as I can.

What a disgusting waste of money.


Sunday, August 18, 2013

How many have been FILNERED?

As the sordid activities of San Diego Mayor Robert Filner emerge, it seems to just get worse and worse.
A 67 year old Grandmother was a recent person to come forward.
San Diegans are saying if farm animals could talk there would be more accusations. 

An attorney for Bob Filner's dog was quoted as saying "My client says "woof" at this time". 

My heart goes out to flood victims in the unfortunately but prophetically named High River Alberta,
 I never would have seen that coming...
...but it is the reason I'm never moving to the mountain town of Gigantic Falling Boulders B.C.