Monday, November 15, 2010

When it's time to talk, DON'T be quiet - Aung San Suu Kyi

I've written about how people like Catholic "Superintendent" Frances Bagley and her partner in crime Police "Chief" Armand La Barge have repeatedly violated my rights.
Before the election they tried to INTIMIDATE me into not voting at my local polling stations.
This is THUG-like behaviour not becoming of ANY official.
I voted at my local polling station, Saint Thomas Aquinas Catholic School, a place where there have been VILE SLANDEROUS GOSSIP spreading about me, that was left to spread unchecked by the authorities.
Next election I'm going to vote there again, but now my goal is to recover ALL the rights that have been STOLEN from me without due process.
Frances Bagley is UNFIT to be a Superintendent of a garbage dump, never mind having sway over thousands of children's lives.
"Chief" Armand La Barge is quitting rather than having to answer questions at what would have been his contract negotiations.
They BOTH shouldn't be allowed to wriggle out of the consequences of their actions.
They BOTH should be FIRED, Armand La Barge should be TURFED before he leaves his post.
No Canadian should be persecuted in the way that I have.
I want ALL my rights back, and I aim to get them, while making this as COSTLY, and PUBLICLY EMBARRASSING to York Region as I can, so they will think twice before committing these crimes again against another innocent Canadian.
I will NOT pay the "trespassing" fine that was levied without the Catholic School Board having to provide the burden of proof that all Canadians are required.
If I go to jail as a result of this "outstanding fine" I will report that online as soon as I am released.
As a result of the vile slander that the York Authorities have been engaged in, I would require segregation from other prisoners, a further cost to the taxpayers that these Autocrats have caused.
I plan to re-establish my RIGHT to walk on a piece of PUBLIC PROPERTY, that the Catholics claim is their PRIVATE property, despite the fact that the PUBLIC TAX goes to maintaining it.
If WE the public PAY for it, WE the public should ALL have access.
If the Catholic School Board wants to PROVE their revolting allegations, I would WELCOME the opportunity to show ALL of the evidence I have gathered to a Judge.
The evidence of their lies
The evidence of police lies, torture, false imprisonment, and persecution.
Ball's in your court, Fran, I am going to CHALLENGE your authority over INNOCENT CANADIANS.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

A letter to Catholic "Superintendent" Frances Bagley, Mayor Rob Grossi, and Staff Sargeant Mike Stock

I am curious, Frances...
You had an opportunity to demand your lie-filled disclosure be submitted to the court as evidence of your baseless allegations.
You had an opportunity to give spoken testimony as well.
You had a chance to prove you weren't talking out of something other than your mouth, and you squandered it.
All that tax money, and you threw away your best chance to prove you had an OUNCE of integrity.
Now you want to continue the persecution, again, without having to prove your disgusting insinuations.
Why, Frances?
Why are you so bent on wasting tax money?
Why are you so intent on destroying my life and endangering the community?
Why are you still employed by the York Catholic District School Board?
Are ALL Catholic Superintendent such compulsive liars, or is it just you?

Here is the letter, that I also posted on a number of sites on-line, so that people like you can't cherry-pick quotes, like you did in your lie-filled disclosure that wasn't entered into evidence by the biased Crown Attorney.

Do Canadians have the right to vote without FEAR? A letter to Mayor Rob Grossi, and Staff Sergeant Mike Stock

In the last election, I voted at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic School, despite "officially" being banned from walking on the "private" property of a school that is paid for and maintained with public money.
I even said good morning to Fran Daly-Hutchinson, who could have called the police on me for being on the property, but didn't.
What she DID do, was sullenly say "Good Morning".

In court, Frances Bagley "Superintendent" of the Catholic School Board, had her opportunity to prove ANY of her VILE ALLEGATIONS, but chose not to enter her lie-filled "disclosure" into evidence, or give any spoken testimony to prove her disgusting insinuations.
I intend on peacefully exercizing my civic duty, using my right to vote, at my local polling station, again, in this current election.
The question to you, Mike, is this...
Will I be further persecuted without the Catholic School having to provide the burden of proof that the rest of Canadians are required to do?
Will more tax money be used to torture and imprison an innocent man?
Will I have my vote stolen without due process?
Or will I be allowed to do what EVERY innocent Canadian should be able to do WITHOUT
I am posting this letter on-line for the world to read.
I eagerly wait a reply from anyone I've contacted, including the Catholic School's tax funded lawyer John W. Woon, "Trustee" Theresa McNicol, "Premier" Dalton McGuinty, and you, the Mayor of Georgina.
Notice there's no quotes around you or Mike Stock's title?. It's because I believe you are the best person for the job, unlike anyone in quotes.
I'm hoping that's the case with Mike, who has been RELATIVELY fair with me,(although I disagree with his finding "detective" Peter Duguay "constable" David Flood and the"education resource" "constable" Jeff Kerr, not guilty of violating my rights and in the case of Kerr...torture.)
Mike is certainly better than the guy he replaced, the slanderous perjurer Terry Jordan, who should be fired, and not merely demoted for giving false testimony that led to an innocent man being imprisoned for six months..
How are any of us to respect or believe our police when they seem to allow lawlessness like this?
How are any of us to feel safe when it seems that Ontarians....Canadians...can be abducted, and tortured without due process or legal council?
Do Canadians have a right to vote without FEAR, Rob?


An innocent victim of torture, persecution, false imprisonment, and slander at the hands of the YRP at the behest of the York Catholic District School Board.

So, what do you think, Frances?
I have been honest, co-operative, and straightforward with the police, the court, and the Catholic School Board, (who, by the way, I have NEVER HARASSED, despite being persecuted and stalked, not to mention the threats of violence and murder)
Can YOU say the same?

I don't think so.
Say "hi" to your tax funded lawyer, John W. Woon, for me, you sociopath.


An innocent Canadian that intends on exercising the right to vote at the local polling station at the time of MY choosing, in accordance with the Canadian Charter of Rights.

Craig Wilkins

Do Canadians have the right to vote without FEAR? A letter to Mayor Rob Grossi, and Staff Sergeant Mike Stock

Here is a copy of an e-mail I sent to Staff Sargeant Mike Stock...

In the last election, I voted at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic School, despite "officially" being banned from walking on the "private" property of a school that is paid for and maintained with public money.
I even said good morning to Fran Daly-Hutchinson, who could have called the police on me for being on the property, but didn't.
What she DID do, was sullenly say "Good Morning".

In court, Frances Bagley "Superintendent" of the Catholic School Board, had her opportunity to prove ANY of her VILE ALLEGATIONS, but chose not to enter her lie-filled "disclosure" into evidence, or give any spoken testimony to prove her disgusting insinuations.
I intend on peacefully exercizing my civic duty, using my right to vote, at my local polling station, again, in this current election.
The question to you, Mike, is this...
Will I be further persecuted without the Catholic School having to provide the burden of proof that the rest of Canadians are required to do?
Will more tax money be used to torture and imprison an innocent man?
Will I have my vote stolen without due process?
Or will I be allowed to do what EVERY innocent Canadian should be able to do WITHOUT
I am posting this letter on-line for the world to read.
I eagerly wait a reply from anyone I've contacted, including the Catholic School's tax funded lawyer John W. Woon, "Trustee" Theresa McNicol, "Premier" Dalton McGuinty, and you, the Mayor of Georgina.
Notice there's no quotes around you or Mike Stock's title?. It's because I believe you are the best person for the job, unlike anyone in quotes.
I'm hoping that's the case with Mike, who has been RELATIVELY fair with me,(although I disagree with his finding "detective" Peter Duguay "constable" David Flood and the"education resource" "constable" Jeff Kerr, not guilty of violating my rights and in the case of Kerr...torture.)
Mike is certainly better than the guy he replaced, the slanderous perjurer Terry Jordan, who should be fired, and not merely demoted for giving false testimony that led to an innocent man being imprisoned for six months..
How are any of us to respect or believe our police when they seem to allow lawlessness like this?
How are any of us to feel safe when it seems that Ontarians....Canadians...can be abducted, and tortured without due process or legal council?
Do Canadians have a right to vote without FEAR, Rob?


An innocent victim of torture, persecution, false imprisonment, and slander at the hands of the YRP at the behest of the York Catholic District School Board.

Craig Wilkins

Saturday, September 25, 2010

A letter to Georgina Mayor, Rob Grossi

I entitled this letter to John Woon, of Filion Wakely Thorup Angeletti, Lawyer of the York Catholic District School Board "You have some nerve, John"

In reguards to your suggestion that I "respond to (you) in writhing so "appropriate" arrangements are made".
Are you suggesting I should pay money to BEG you to be further tormented by the people who have TORTURED me at the behest of your lying client?
If you are, I have a better suggestion.
You can respond to me in another tax-funded special-delivery letter to schedule an appointment for you to come around to my house and kiss my crack.


A guy with a crack in his driveway, who has been tortured, persecuted, slandered and falsely imprisoned as a result of your client's lies.

Craig Wilkins.

I am really perplexed, Rob.
Fran Bagley first said I couldn't go on "their" "private" property, then she decided she would, but that she would illegally demand to restrict the HOURS in which I could vote.
Now, it seems, she has changed her royal mind again, and seriously thinks I will ask for a "police" escort.
So...If I am thrown in jail for peacefully exercising my civic duty, my RIGHT to vote, will I FINALLY be eligible for legal council, that the police refused to give me, when I asked for a lawyer the FIRST time I was falsely imprisoned and tortured?

I thought I was living in a place where justice was fair and balanced.
A place where you are PRESUMED INNOCENT until PROVEN GUILTY.

Tell me, Rob.

Is it all a lie?

Is this what you want Georgina to be known for?


Craig Wilkins

Friday, July 16, 2010

I'll be voting for Becky Rundle
Check this link, an article about Becky Rundle running for Ward 3 Councillor
Becky has been a friend since we moved here, and after the initial surprise at seeing her in the newspaper, and finding out she was running for a political office, I was impressed by her goals and outlook.

The guy in the job now is out of town during the day for most of the week, and seems to be saying that he should be kept in his position because he's lived here longer. absentee local, he believes, trumps a full time councillor.
I don't
Becky said "It’s time to eliminate the past stigmas, WELCOME the newcomers and, most importantly, start listening to the needs and wants of the taxpayers.”
Becky Rundle represents the NEW Georgina...the NEW Keswick.
The other guy?
Well, you know how I feel about some of those in authority in York Region...complacency, and smug entitlement abound.
I say TURF him.

“Georgina needs to develop a strategic plan, focusing on what we have, and enhancing it to the best of our ability. We need to create more employment opportunities, support our local businesses, facilities and community and cultural associations” - The FUTURE Councillor of Ward Three, Becky Rundle

I'll be voting for Becky Rundle.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Violation of Human Rights in York Region

"...and that’s the terrible myth of organized society, that everything
that’s done through the established system is legal, and that word has a
powerful psychological impact. It makes people believe that there is an
order to life and an order to a system and that a person that goes through
this order and is CONVICTED has gotten all that is due him, and therefore
society can turn its conscience off and look to other things and other times.
And that’s the terrible thing about these past trials, is that they have this
aura of legitimacy, this aura of legality. I suspect that better men than the
world has known, and more of them, have gone to their deaths through a legal
system than through all of the illegalities in the history of man.
6 million people in Europe during the Third Reich.
Sacco and Vanzetti. Legal.
The hundreds of rape trials throughout the South where black men were condemned to death.
All legal.
Jesus. Legal.
Socrates. Legal.
All tyrants learn that it is far better to do this thing through some semblance of
legality than to do it without that pretense." - William Kunstler

Here in Keswick it seems they don't even use the pretense of legality to violate human rights.
Can you hear that sound?
It's William Kunstler...spinning like a top in his grave.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Police protect Pedophile Protectors in York Region

This is an E-mail that I sent to "Premier" Dalton McGuinty, the Ministry of Justice, Minister Peter Van Loan, and the Prosecutor's office and I posted it online for ALL to see, so there can be no more LYING about me or what I've said. It's a shame that I have to take these precautions because of the LIES of one FORMER Neighbour, who has fled the neighbourhood in disgrace, and fear that I would SUE him.
I would like to know how much tax money in total has been spent by the police, the Catholic School Board, and the Justice System, in the attempt to SLANDER an innocent man.

Here is the E-Mail that Dalton will not respond to, if past actions are to be accounted for.

I have been repeatedly harassed by the York Catholic District School Board, and today I was stalked.
A champagne coloured van, license plate APWK 413 was stopped, and the driver was eyeballing me today. When she noticed I was looking at her, she drove away, turning around and heading back toward St. Thomas Aquinas School.
I am not certain that this person is linked to the school, but my suspicion is that she is.
I have tried to get a cease and desist order against them, but was told by one Justice of the Peace that it was a "waste of time" and by another Justice of the Peace that "the court can't do that", before being escorted out by the police for no good reason.
I am sick to death of being treated like a criminal by these ignorant paranoids.
Reporting it to the police does no good because they are too busy lying about me themselves, for instance the Constable who wrote that I was "still in the vicinity of the school" when I had only taken the short cut like everybody does, on my way HOME, which is where I was.
The Constable knowingly LIED about my whereabouts.
I would like to SUE the Catholic School Board and the Police for SLANDER, but sadly cannot afford a lawyer.
It's a shame that there is NO justice for poor people in Canada , and that “presumed innocent before being proved guilty” are mere words that have no meaning.
Shame on you for doing NOTHING to help an innocent person who has been TORTURED, PERSECUTED, and FALSELY IMPRISONED, all on the say so of a School with ties to an organization that has become SYNONYMOUS with PEDOPHILIA, and the PROTECTION of PEDOPHILE PRIESTS.
Shame on you for appointing a former member of the Catholic School Board to be Education Minister, after the way they have DISREGUARDED the LAW and Government on several occasions, including the recent statement that they would NOT teach the sex education that you flip-flopped on implementing.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

World Cup Fever

Congratulations to the American World Cup team, for pulling out a tie against England.
Player of the game?
American Defender Onguchi Onyewu.
He kept Rooney scoreless.
Goat of the game?
English Netminder, Robert Green.
His mistake cost the win.
Better a tie than nothing, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed in the English effort.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Good Clean Pain

After several days of living without any pain medications that have been prescribed by the doctor, I am feeling pain, but none of the horrific side-effects of the pain medications.
Bit of a double edged sword.
I like not taking all the drugs, but I like being able to function, even as it is, at a reduced level.
I have to go and talk to the doctor, and am dreading his next solution.
It's good to be clean, but this pain reduces the quality of my life.
Hate to grumble, others have it worse off.
Still wish I could do more.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Flat with a chaser of Brain Fizz

I don't know any other way to describe it, but Brainfizz.
Since I've stopped taking the Tramadol and the Effexor and the Arthrotec I am in pain, and I occasionally get these moments where I feel faint and I can hear like a fizzing sound in my head.
This truly sucks bigtime.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Had Ultrasound on my Shoulder.
I have trouble sleeping on either shoulder. No pain meds currently, nothing other than Glucosamine.
I wish I could say that I feel like dancing, but I feel like I've been trampled by herds of happy shiny dancing people.
My Electric Bike needs a new battery, it doesn't even complete a trip to the closest store anymore.

Have a nice day, don't put anything off until tomorrow, tomorrow never comes.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Free of Pain Meds, not of Pain

Stopped taking all Pain Meds now.
Couldn't stand the Effexor
Couldn't stand the Arthrotec
Still in pain...June 2 is ultrasound on right shoulder.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Fear of Pain Medicine

The doctor has stopped prescribing the Tridural.
Now I have to take Arthrotec and Effexor.
I am in pain every day now, and worry about what I can do to alleviate the pain without becoming horribly dependent on painkillers.

I am an alcoholic and addict in recovery (13 yrs sober approx) and worry that I will fall back into old habits.
The one difference is, NOW I only want relief from the pain, I don't want to be a zombie.
Please help me, if you have any suggestions, I don't want to take narcotics, but I fear that if this keeps up, that's where this is heading.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Fear of Pain Medicine

Currently, I am taking a drug called Ralivia, or Tridural. It's designated as a non-narcotic.
Sadly, I am exceeding the largest prescribed dose, and I'm still in pain.
I fear I will have to go on narcotic pain medicine
I fear I will be in pain.
I have fear of becoming addicted to the drugs....again, and fear that without them my life will continue to be torment.
Today I have an emergency appointment at the doctor...I'd rather be doing a MILLION other things than be chemically tethered to the damn doctors office.
June 2 I get the shoulder ultrasounded.
Hopefully I can get the shoulder taken care of, that would be a start.
Gotta go, I figure nobody's reading this, but if you are, come and join me KeswickPinhead, on Twitter, Jango, DeviantArt, and youtube.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

The question that is on everybody's lips is?

I have a kitten, I named her 'What'.
"What" I would say "Where are you What?"
"How did What get up there?" I would ask.
Happy Underpants as a Hat day

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Don Quixote of Keswick

I feel like Don Quixote, or a lone soldier facing a hoard of crazed bloodthirsty lunatics.
But choice?
What choice do I have but to fight this?
The choice to LET people continue to slander me, and believe these lies?
Let me ask you this...
How many people calling YOU a "child molester" would you consider "acceptable"
What would YOU do, if the police tortured harassed persecuted falsely imprisoned, financially punished and violated your rights.
I am supposed to pay a fine for trespassing that was laid without the Catholic School HAVING to PROVE their allegation that I" harassed" them.
I was merely trying to PROTECT myself, and harassed NOBODY.
Not that the Catholic School was required to back up their lies.
In short, I was guilty before innocent, which, in my opinion, is a travesty of our justice system.
If an innocent person can be railroaded like this, it could happen to anyone...The Catholic School Board could call you SATAN, and the way the law is written right now, you would have no legal recourse.
I want to sue these liars.
I believe in separation of Church and State.
The Catholic School system should not receive ONE DIME of tax money.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A light flaky thought with tasty brain filling

Watching the much parodied war movie 'Downfall' the other day, I couldn't help but notice that when the subtitles said "He shot his brains out" or "he shot himself in the head", I can't remember exactly, I heard what sounded like "kugel".
Knowing that this was some sort of dessert, I was interested enough to check it out.
"Kugel" means "ball" in German, I was kind of confused...I mean, it sounds like Hitler shot himself in the testicle, or in his after dinner pudding.
I suppose an English similarity would be when people say they were "hit in the melon" when they mean "head".
"Kugel"...almost seems like the sound your brains would make as they ran out from your broken skull.

Have a nice day, keep your melons and balls away from guns.:)

Sunday, April 25, 2010

On Wednesday, Police "Chief" Armand La Barge announced his plans to resign.
Good riddance to bad rubbish.
The question is this....Is the devil we DON'T know going to be WORSE than the devil we do?
One thing is certain, I will be trying to meet with the new Chief of York Regional Police Force, to determine for MYSELF whether there is improvement, or more of the same bullshit.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Catholic Schools should NOT receive tax funds

There should be ONLY ONE school system in Ontario, having TWO is a waste of money.
The United Nations is against Ontario funding Catholic Schools while not funding OTHER religious schools.
I believe that Church and State should be SEPARATE.
The Catholic School is NOT, as Dalton McGuinty claimed in the last election, "accountable to us".
They've shown that just recently when they said that, REGUARDLESS of the ruling, they were NOT going to implement the sex education that Premier McGuinty has now backed down from.
My question is this, who is wagging the dog here, Dalton?
Seems to me that the Catholic School Board thinks they are a LAW unto THEMSELVES.
SEPARATE church and state.
In these days of economic hardship, having duplicate ANYTHING is STUPID and WASTEFUL.

Cluck like a Bartered Chicken at Susan Lowden

Nevada Republican Susan Lowden has suggested a return to the barter system as an alternative to the new health care plan.

Nope...not kidding...she is absolutely serious.

I am advocating that ANYONE who sees Sue Lowden should begin clucking.
Cluck like a clucking bartered chicken, when you see her.
Let's show this IDIOT POLITICIAN how CLUCKING STUPID her suggestion is.

Have a nice day, anybody want to trade medical treatment for a slightly used banana? :iconbananadanceplz: