Friday, June 18, 2010

Police protect Pedophile Protectors in York Region

This is an E-mail that I sent to "Premier" Dalton McGuinty, the Ministry of Justice, Minister Peter Van Loan, and the Prosecutor's office and I posted it online for ALL to see, so there can be no more LYING about me or what I've said. It's a shame that I have to take these precautions because of the LIES of one FORMER Neighbour, who has fled the neighbourhood in disgrace, and fear that I would SUE him.
I would like to know how much tax money in total has been spent by the police, the Catholic School Board, and the Justice System, in the attempt to SLANDER an innocent man.

Here is the E-Mail that Dalton will not respond to, if past actions are to be accounted for.

I have been repeatedly harassed by the York Catholic District School Board, and today I was stalked.
A champagne coloured van, license plate APWK 413 was stopped, and the driver was eyeballing me today. When she noticed I was looking at her, she drove away, turning around and heading back toward St. Thomas Aquinas School.
I am not certain that this person is linked to the school, but my suspicion is that she is.
I have tried to get a cease and desist order against them, but was told by one Justice of the Peace that it was a "waste of time" and by another Justice of the Peace that "the court can't do that", before being escorted out by the police for no good reason.
I am sick to death of being treated like a criminal by these ignorant paranoids.
Reporting it to the police does no good because they are too busy lying about me themselves, for instance the Constable who wrote that I was "still in the vicinity of the school" when I had only taken the short cut like everybody does, on my way HOME, which is where I was.
The Constable knowingly LIED about my whereabouts.
I would like to SUE the Catholic School Board and the Police for SLANDER, but sadly cannot afford a lawyer.
It's a shame that there is NO justice for poor people in Canada , and that “presumed innocent before being proved guilty” are mere words that have no meaning.
Shame on you for doing NOTHING to help an innocent person who has been TORTURED, PERSECUTED, and FALSELY IMPRISONED, all on the say so of a School with ties to an organization that has become SYNONYMOUS with PEDOPHILIA, and the PROTECTION of PEDOPHILE PRIESTS.
Shame on you for appointing a former member of the Catholic School Board to be Education Minister, after the way they have DISREGUARDED the LAW and Government on several occasions, including the recent statement that they would NOT teach the sex education that you flip-flopped on implementing.

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