Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Not always as they appear

Not always as they appear

Journal Entry: Wed May 2, 2012, 11:33 AM
"Hi Craig, they may have been engaged in duties that involved a debrief or discussion. Things are not always as they appear" tweeted @YRP (the York Regional Police twitter account) in response to this journal entry:
Sunday is for lawbreakersTwo Police vehicles, sitting in a parking lot at Metro Road and Simcoe Street, one of them a "Supervisor", seemingly doing nothing other than talking.
Meanwhile, just up the road, by Old Homestead, there are illegally parked cars along Metro Rd....right in front of 'No Parking' signs.
Did I mention that the lawbreaking drivers in question are Christians?
There are, apparently, two sets of laws in Georgina.
One for Catholic Churchgoers, and another for the rest of us.

Recently there has been a change in the speed limit, and a move to get video monitoring of some intersections.
The cops seem to be saying they would prefer robots enforce t

My reply to @YRP?

"Oh, I'm only too aware things are not always as they seem. I was treated like a criminal by YRP, no proof of wrongdoing".

@YRP has not disputed that they treated me like a criminal.
When given an opportunity in court to show they had just cause to treat me the way they did, they declined.

The police also didn't dispute I had been mistreated by them when I gave testimony to that FACT, in front of the judge.

The cops believed the lies told to them by Catholic School Board, and tortured and harassed me based upon those allegations, that the Catholic School board ALSO didn't prove in court.
Nor did the Catholic School board dispute they had lied about me when given an opportunity to tell the judge.
They couldn' would have given me a window to enter evidence of their lies.

@YRP also dodged my allegation of biased treatment toward their collaborators in the harassment of an innocent person, the Catholic Church.

They overlook the illegal parking in front of the Catholic Church, and when called upon it, they don't even try to pretend that they have done, or will do, anything.
Sure, @YRP denies their colleagues are sitting and chatting, but NOT that NOTHING has been done to stop the weekly illegal parking of members of an organization that they believed without proof.

Their appalling behaviour toward me was based upon the word of liars and scofflaws.
Liars and scofflaws that they apparently condone.

Listen to what they DON'T sayCanada's Kingston Jail is going to be shut down.
The reasons given by Canadian "Minister of Public Safety" Vic Toews are that it's not secure enough for the safety of the guards and the structure is old, decrepit and in need of costly repair.

What Vic Toews doesn't say is that the Kingston Pen sits on some of the most VALUABLE real estate in town.

I have often said that prisoners should not be serving time in a lake-front location that's worth that kind of money, but none of the politicians who are planning on making profit from the sale of the property are mentioning this angle as a reason to close this historic penitentiary.

Another thi
Be careful what you agree to"York Regional Police makes no representations, warranties or guarantees of any kind, express or implied, as to the content, sequence, accuracy, reliability, timeliness or completeness of any of the information or data provided herein".

So starts the document before the Crime Map that I found out about from following @YRP on Twitter.

To that statement I can wholeheartedly attest. From my experience I've concluded the York Regional police take no responsibility for accuracy, reliability, timeliness or completion of any of their duties.

But I will not be looking at the YRP Crime Map, because I would

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