Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Hactivism on CNN?

Was CNN just hacked?

As this D-bag reporter explained why SOPA and PIPA were a good thing(?) all of a sudden, a CLOWN FACE was superimposed over his face.
You could still see the apologist's features under the CLOWN FACE.
It only lasted a few seconds.
Long enough to make him, and everything he was saying appear RIDICULOUS.:nod:

I'm not imagining this am I?

If it is our old friend ANONYMOUS, I'd just like to say BRAVO.
That was the funniest damn thing I've seen on CNN in a while, and, let's face it, when it comes to reporting the news, CNN is a joke.

I hope that Fox "news" is being similarly attacked.
CNN may be a joke, but Faux News isn't even reporting news.
I would call what they do FICTION.

...or perhaps "PROPAGANDA" would be a better description of the phony bullshit they're peddling as "fair and balanced".

Keep up the Wood Gork, Anonymous. :iconanonymousplz:

Force those old people out into the flooded street"Isn't there any way for officials to force them to evacuate?"
Wolf Blitzer, asked a reporter at a senior citizens home
where 90 elderly people, some with serious medical conditions,
refused orders to leave, in the lead up to Hurricane Irene.

They chose to stay because they were not given assurances about WHERE they were going to, how long they would be gone, or the conditions under which they would be living, and in some cases....dying.

Remember the whole "Death Panel" business?
You know...when Republicans falsely claimed that a board would oversee whether to "pull the plug on Grandma".

I want everybody to remember that Wolf
"Tell us your worst fears"I was watching coverage of Hurricane Irene on CNN,
Wolf Blitzer was talking to a New York Official, when he asked the guy to
"Tell us your worst fears".
How exactly is this news?
I would have been SORELY tempted to say
"I fear good journalism and reportage are a dead art"
"I fear revealing my worst fears to fearmongers".

When the Official didn't bite at Wolf's bait, but instead responded with the "concerns" that were expected to be an issue,
Wolf Blitzer followed up with this question
"How many people are going to be without power?"

How the HELL would ANYBODY know?

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