Tuesday, June 5, 2012

A trio of creeps behind bars

A Trio of Creeps behind Bars

Journal Entry: Mon Jun 4, 2012, 3:09 PM
The psychopath who murdered a Chinese Student, dismembered the body, then mailed a foot to the Conservative Party Headquarters  and a hand to the Liberal Party HQ was apprehended in Berlin. [link]

The ignorant turd who opened fire in the food court of Eaton Center, a crowded Toronto Mall, has turned himself in. [link]

Murderer/Liar George Zimmerman is back behind bars. [link]

You know...sometimes I almost get the feeling there IS such a thing as justice....almost.

...until I remember the victims, those that were injured or killed by...individuals...like these three creeps.

Shooting at the Food CourtShots fired in the Eaton Center in Toronto.
Horrible...who would shoot in a crowded place like a mall?
News is just going mental around here lately, with the story of a hand and a foot being mailed to politicians, a twisted snuff-film making murderer on the loose, and now we've got another psychopath out there who needs locking up.
I wish the police all the best in the pursuit of this violent turd who clearly has no concern for their fellow human beings.

My heart goes out to those injured or dead (no word yet, it's a breaking story) and their families.

For up to date details you could search 'Eaton Center' or #EatonCenter on Twitter...th
Watch out for body parts:iconfootplz::iconfootplz::iconfootplz::iconbrainplz::iconfootplz::iconfootplz::iconfootplz:
A human foot was sent to Progressive Conservative Party Headquarters on Parliament Hill in Ottawa Canada.
A torso in a suitcase was found in Montreal, too.
Signs of the Zombie Apocalypse?

You might want to check and see if you're missing any appendages, or organs.
I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for someone taking eyes out.

Above all...keep your head about you...and stay on your toes.

Perhaps this isn't the best

A song that Bob Dylan should writeDid you know that the father of George Zimmerman was a JUDGE?
It goes a long way to explaining why a murderer hasn't even been charged for his crime, doesn't it?
The name of this former judge is Robert Zimmerman.
Somewhere, Bob Dylan is saying "Oh, GREAT! Way to fucking drag my name through the mud".

I think the story of Trayvon Martin is worthy of a ballad, written by the musical spokesman for the peace & love generation, don't you?

Medgar Evers got a song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYz50kGf-WQ
So did Rubin 'Hurricane' Carter http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMcrci6KomU

Then, of course, there are these lyrics from 'Gotta Serve Some
Justice for a grieving familyThis... http://www.thestar.com/news/crime/article/1177482--tori-stafford-trial-michael-rafferty-guilty-of-killing-tori-stafford
...is one of those times when I advocate the death penalty, in spite of Canada not having one...anymore.
Two pieces of human waste were found guilty in the abduction, sexual assault, and bloody murder of little Victoria (Tori) Stafford.

These disgusting excuses for human-beings brutally killed an innocent child, and, frankly, I can't see what good comes from paying for them to be fed and housed in a prison for however long they end up behind bars.
Sadly, I can only HOPE they never see another day of freedom.

"May the Devil shit on their graves"The Shafia Family were found GUILTY of murdering a mother and three children.
I hope Mohammed, Hamed and Tooba Yahya enjoy their "honourable" life behind bars.

The term "Honour Killing" is oxymoronic, there is NO honour in killing, though I'm sure many military personnel would disagree with my opinion.

My heart weeps for the three innocent lives that were lost in a fruitless pursuit of some antiquated abstract notion, which is nothing but a bastardization of the very meaning of the word 'honour'.
There is NO honour in murder
There is NO honour in obstructing justice
There is NO honour to be found in a prison cell.

Shafia, Tooba and Ha
Mistaken Identity Ice Cream DEATHCharles McGillvary wanted an ice cream cone, but instead, he was assaulted and killed by the Police in a case of mistaken identity.
   The police, you see, were ANGRY at Charles because he didn't respond right away, when they called him RAYMOND.
    So they beat him to death, and now they've conveniently cleared themselves of any wrong-doing. http://www.torontosun.com/2012/01/19/siu-finds-no-ground-for-charges-in-mcgillivary-death

Do I need to even tell you how I feel about police attacking a person with a developmental delay issue?

My NEPHEW has Pervasive Developmental Delay.
Does he have to wear a fucking name-tag b


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