Monday, November 26, 2012

Mash-Up Game Recap

Mash-Up Game Recap

So, I've been having fun with the Mash-Up Game
The Mash-Up GameDay two of winter boots...wearing weights on the end of your legs gets old pretty fast... But on to my question of the day. Does anybody know how to do musical mash-ups? I have an idea, and this also might be fun for a game. Mix together two titles to come up with a new combined one. In this case, these two songs would actually make a good combination, but for the game you don't need for the songs to be complimentary, it's the titles that matter. If I could make a mash-up, I would mix together Goddo 'Under My Hat' with Smashmouth 'Sorry About Your Penis' and call the resulting mash-up 'Under Your Sorry Penis Hat'. and now here's one just for the game... If I knew how to do mash-ups, I'd mix the Beatles 'I want to hold your hand' together with Smashmouth 'Sorry About your Penis' and call the mash-up 'I want to hold your sorry penis'. Try it at home, fun for all ages.

Rule 1. Mix together two song-titles to come up with a new combined one
Rule 2. Repeat Rule 1.

Here are some examples

If I knew how to do mash-ups
I'd mix 'Mary had a little lamb' 
together with Smashmouth 'Sorry About your Penis'
and call the mash-up
'Mary had a sorry little penis'

If I knew how to do mash-ups
I'd mix Carly Rae Jepsen 'Call me Maybe'
together with Smashmouth 'Sorry About your Penis'
and call the mash-up
'Call Me Sorry Penis'

If I knew how to do mash-ups
I'd mix AC/DC 'Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap' 
together with Carly Rae Jepsen 'Call Me Maybe'
and I'd call the mash-up 
'Call Me Cheap Dirt'

If I knew how to do mash-ups
I would DEFINITELY NOT mix Carly Rae Jepsen 'Call me Maybe'
together with Nirvana 'Rape Me'
After NOT doing this, I would NOT call the resulting mash up
'Call Me Rape Me'
It would be wrong.

If I knew how to do mash-ups,
I'd mix the Beatles 'I want to hold your hand' together with
Smashmouth 'Sorry About your Penis'
and call the mash-up
'I want to hold your sorry penis'.

If I knew how to do mash-ups
I'd mix the Beatles 'I saw her standing there' 
together with Smashmouth 'Sorry about your penis'
and I'd call the mash-up
'I saw your sorry penis standing'
'Sorry I saw her standing penis'

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