Friday, November 30, 2012

I dub thee LORD MITTENS?

I just heard an idiotic American pundit on #CNN say "In Britain, when you lose the election, you can go to the House of Lords". 
His point was that poor Mitt Romney would be treated soooo much more kindly in the U.K. after losing, that he would perhaps even be dubbed a Lord.
He was insinuating that Barack Obama was trampling on tradition for not offering Mitt Romney a cabinet spot, or some other reward.
He was implying that the politician who lost after railing about people looking for handouts should get a handout, just like he would get in Britain.

What do my British friends think about that ridiculous assertion?

Let's get this straight right now, America, before this fool who the fools at CNN pay for his opinion is allowed to spread this foolishness further…

The House of Lords (HOL) is a farcical undemocratic body that should be abolished.
It is filled with doddering old white males who INHERITED their title.
NOBODY should be looking to emulate the HOL, ESPECIALLY so-called Small-Government-Republicans.
The Queen can grant you the title of Lord, but only after you've gotten the Order of the British Empire (OBE), and then been knighted. 

To give you an example, Paul McCartney, who is loved worldwide, has been knighted...
...Mitt Romney is no Paul McCartney.

There are NO political appointments to the HOL, after elections or otherwise.
Mitt Romney would no more be offered a seat at the table in Britain than he will be offered a plum position as a "gift" from President Obama.

Anyone who says otherwise has something in common with Mitt Romney and the idiot on CNN...
....the ability to talk out of their ass.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Mash-Up Game Recap

Mash-Up Game Recap

So, I've been having fun with the Mash-Up Game
The Mash-Up GameDay two of winter boots...wearing weights on the end of your legs gets old pretty fast... But on to my question of the day. Does anybody know how to do musical mash-ups? I have an idea, and this also might be fun for a game. Mix together two titles to come up with a new combined one. In this case, these two songs would actually make a good combination, but for the game you don't need for the songs to be complimentary, it's the titles that matter. If I could make a mash-up, I would mix together Goddo 'Under My Hat' with Smashmouth 'Sorry About Your Penis' and call the resulting mash-up 'Under Your Sorry Penis Hat'. and now here's one just for the game... If I knew how to do mash-ups, I'd mix the Beatles 'I want to hold your hand' together with Smashmouth 'Sorry About your Penis' and call the mash-up 'I want to hold your sorry penis'. Try it at home, fun for all ages.

Rule 1. Mix together two song-titles to come up with a new combined one
Rule 2. Repeat Rule 1.

Here are some examples

If I knew how to do mash-ups
I'd mix 'Mary had a little lamb' 
together with Smashmouth 'Sorry About your Penis'
and call the mash-up
'Mary had a sorry little penis'

If I knew how to do mash-ups
I'd mix Carly Rae Jepsen 'Call me Maybe'
together with Smashmouth 'Sorry About your Penis'
and call the mash-up
'Call Me Sorry Penis'

If I knew how to do mash-ups
I'd mix AC/DC 'Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap' 
together with Carly Rae Jepsen 'Call Me Maybe'
and I'd call the mash-up 
'Call Me Cheap Dirt'

If I knew how to do mash-ups
I would DEFINITELY NOT mix Carly Rae Jepsen 'Call me Maybe'
together with Nirvana 'Rape Me'
After NOT doing this, I would NOT call the resulting mash up
'Call Me Rape Me'
It would be wrong.

If I knew how to do mash-ups,
I'd mix the Beatles 'I want to hold your hand' together with
Smashmouth 'Sorry About your Penis'
and call the mash-up
'I want to hold your sorry penis'.

If I knew how to do mash-ups
I'd mix the Beatles 'I saw her standing there' 
together with Smashmouth 'Sorry about your penis'
and I'd call the mash-up
'I saw your sorry penis standing'
'Sorry I saw her standing penis'

Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Mash-Up Game

Day two of winter boots...wearing weights on the end of your legs gets old pretty fast...

But on to my question of the day.

Does anybody know how to do musical mash-ups?

I have an idea, and this also might be fun for a game.
Mix together two titles to come up with a new combined one.
In this case, these two songs would actually make a good combination,
but for the game you don't need for the songs to be complimentary,
it's the titles that matter.

If I could make a mash-up,
I would mix together Goddo 'Under My Hat'
with Smashmouth 'Sorry About Your Penis'
and call the resulting mash-up
'Under Your Sorry Penis Hat'.

Try it at home, fun for all ages.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Avenge my death

"What's all the fuss about Twinkies?"
That's what my mom asked me, then she said she'd never eaten a Hostess Twinkie.
So I bought some, for furtogfree porpoises, and so she could try one, and.....
....I've had better Twinkies, I can say that much
kind of stale, despite the Twinkie reputation for remaining edible even in apocalyptic conditions.

Unimpressed, my mom asked "so what's the big deal?"
"I guess that's part of the reason they're not doing so well anymore" I said.
The pictures turned out to be much more rewarding than eating the Twinkies.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Insults and repression of free speech at the Toronto Sun

"I too have an anonymous friend in Chicago, Jerry Agar, and my anonymous friend thinks your anonymous friend is a sore loser who would prefer to insult others, rather than review the policies and actions that lost the Republicans the election.
Disagreeing with outdated policies on women, taxes and war spending does not make anyone greedy, lazy or stupid."
I posted this comment on a Toronto Sun columnist's vitriolic article about the recent GOP election failure.

Jerry Agar and the Toronto Sun have apparently removed the above opinion.
 The Toronto Sun, boys and girls...Champions of freedom of speech, so long as you only say things they agree with.

Monday, November 12, 2012

President Tears

President Tears

Journal Entry: Sat Nov 10, 2012, 7:10 AM
After his second term was rewarded to him, Barack Obama got choked up and shed some tears while thanking his staff and supporters.
I'm sure that some who have previously called the president "detached" will call this expression of his true emotions a sign of weakness.

The first time Obama was elected, he was, for the most part, an unknown entity. Nobody really knew how he would fare as President.
The second victory, however, is a different matter.
His reputation was no longer a mystery, and his record as leader was there for anyone who cared to google the facts.

The first time was a gamble, to a certain degree.

The second time?

A majority of American voters chose the guy they thought was the sure-thing.

Obama cried presidential tears of gratitude, for those who saw the measure of the man and decided to vindicate his vision.

To anyone who voted, reguardless of which way:
Thank you, keep up the wood gork.:)

Here, for your enjoyment, is 'President Gas' by the Psychedelic Furs [link]

...and I'll cry if I want to"It's my party and I'll cry if I want to... You would cry too if it happened to you" - Leslie Gore No matter where you live, no matter what your police and politicians tell you, YOU have a RIGHT to dislike your government. NOBODY has the right to dictate your approval or disappointment with your elected officials (or tyrannical despots for that matter). Your opinion is your own property, in this Pinhead's humble opinion. There is, however, one caveat. IF you have the RIGHT to VOTE, and you WAIVED that have NOT done YOUR PART to ensure you got the best possible candidate from the choices available. If you're disappointed in a government you couldn't be bothered to vote deserve the shitty leaders you get.
Blame America, AmericaAccording to Bill O'Reilly, the reason Barack Obama won is that there are too many moochers out there who are ignorant of the potential danger of a socialist agenda. In other words, if you looked at the record of Mitt Romney, and decided that you didn't like his tax policies, his foreign policies, or his GOP rape-talking bedfellows, you are either lazy, stupid, or you've been duped by the "mainstream media". I find the contortions that Bill O'Reilly goes through fascinating. On one hand, he would have you believe his show is widely viewed and highly influential....sounds awfully mainstream to me. On the other hand, he wants you to believe that, despite the  influence he claims to wield, a majority of the public chose to ignore his advice, or were simply not interested in hearing it in the first place, preferring the "Mainstream Media" that he tries so hard to emulate while claiming he's not. Republicans have found a reason they lost the election, and it's you, Ameri

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Blame America, America

Blame America, America

Journal Entry: Thu Nov 8, 2012, 11:16 AM
According to Bill O'Reilly, the reason Barack Obama won is that there are too many moochers out there who are ignorant of the potential danger of a socialist agenda.

In other words, if you looked at the record of Mitt Romney, and decided that you didn't like his tax policies, his foreign policies, or his GOP rape-talking bedfellows, you are either lazy, stupid, or you've been duped by the "mainstream media".

I find the contortions that Bill O'Reilly goes through fascinating.

On one hand, he would have you believe his show is widely viewed and highly influential....sounds awfully mainstream to me.

On the other hand, he wants you to believe that, despite the  influence he claims to wield, a majority of the public chose to ignore his advice, or were simply not interested in hearing it in the first place, preferring the "Mainstream Media" that he tries so hard to emulate while claiming he's not.

Republicans have found a reason they lost the election, and it's you, America, you're just not America enough for Republicans anymore.

Reminds me of the old bumpersticker "America, love it or leave it".
It seems that's been amended to "America, if things don't go our way, we hate it".

Try to be kind to our elephant friends.
Take it easy on them, they've just had their world-view shattered.

Here is a link to a conversation on facebook, where I was called ignorant, lazy, a dope, and....heaven forbid....a CANADIAN. :lol:
UPDATE:  :iconchell-dunphy: dropped some links on the conversation, and it was deleted shortly after, but not before the links she provided were dismissed as not proofy enough.

Remember boys and girls, facts are not welcome at a Pity-Party.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Fifty Shades of (fill in the blank)