Thursday, October 25, 2012

Gossip Deconstruction

Gossip Deconstruction

Journal Entry: Tue Oct 23, 2012, 9:42 AM
So, I found out who told my neighbour I had committed suicide by hanging...
Not the original source, mind you, I believe this person (also a neighbour) was told this inaccurate rumour by another local gossip.

Since she is not the kind of person that I would immediately assume spends a lot of her time online, I am going to guess that she heard it from someone else in the neighbourhood, to be determined later.

If you doubt that I will get to the bottom of who started this lie, you clearly haven't been paying attention.
Many have told me that I seem OBSESSED with the issue of my name being smeared by curtain-twitching paranoids who have cost us hundreds of thousands of tax dollars.

Rightly so.

Anyone who would ACCEPT being labelled a suicidal pervert needs their head examined.
I can assure you that I won't stop investigating until I have found the origin of this latest nasty piece of bullshit.

As for the person who told the person who told me?

I actually like her and her family, we always share greetings when we see each other.
I've even publicly spoken out on their behalf when some NIMBY Luddites were complaining about the solar panel they installed next to their restaurant.
Her husband once gave me a lift when he saw me waiting for a bus at the side of Metro Road.
I don't believe for a minute that this lady was prematurely reporting my suicidal demise with any malice or joy in her heart....which is why I won't be publishing her name.

As for the person that told her the tittle-tattle?
I don't know, yet....but I plan on finding out.

To be continued.

Rumours of my DeathJust got back from Food Basics, the local grocery store.
A neighbour informed me that there was a nasty rumour going around about me.

Apparently this neighbour (who is one of the GOOD ones) was told that I had committed suicide.
Someone out there in Keswick has been saying that I hanged myself last week....charming.

Who knows? Perhaps this rumour-peddler heard that I was well-hung and got confused.

So I told my neighbour to tell the gossip "That's preposterous! Why would he hang himself after being elected Prime Minister of the Moon?".

It's about as likely as what was being stated as fact.

To those involved in this recent tittle-tattle
Keswick Gossip Dog WhistleSo it seems that some of the people belonging to the group Keswick Neighbourhood Watch on Facebook are intolerant.
Shocking, really.

People making dog-whistle insinuations in the form of a question.

People who should definitely NOT be making opinions based upon appearances making judgement calls about the "Deviant" part of the name, and about the "creepy" eyes in my fb ID, that are actually sunflowers...ooh...creepy.

People using imagery of violence and weapons when describing defending myself against attack.

Funny, but I don't FEEL safe, Bruce"Georgina is one of the safest communities in which to live with the highest crime clearance rate in the region, according to York Regional Police" says the article in the Georgina Advocate

That bit of police spin was followed by a statement saying that many citizens disagree with the so-called statistics that YRP cited.

"We can't track something that's not reported" said Superintendent Bruce West, who must have recently replaced Mark Tatz.

I can certainly vouch for that.
In fact, in my experience, the local police seem equally disinterested in trackin
Be careful what you agree to"York Regional Police makes no representations, warranties or guarantees of any kind, express or implied, as to the content, sequence, accuracy, reliability, timeliness or completeness of any of the information or data provided herein".

So starts the document before the Crime Map that I found out about from following @YRP on Twitter.

To that statement I can wholeheartedly attest. From my experience I've concluded the York Regional police take no responsibility for accuracy, reliability, timeliness or completion of any of their duties.

But I will not be looking at the YRP Crime Map, because I would
AUTHORIZED Ridicule Hatred & Contempt"Taxpayers are footing the bill for a defamation lawsuit filed by Georgina Mayor Rob Grossi"

It sure must be nice to be able to dip into the pig-trough of our tax dollars to defend yourself against defamation.
   I too have been subjected to ridicule hatred and contempt, Mayor Grossi.
     I have also suffered personal embarrassment and humiliation at the hands of the authorities in Georgina and York Region, so I have some questions for the Mayor.

Were YOU treated like a criminal by lawless police, Mister Grossi?

Did YOU get handcuffed and have your ar

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