Thursday, October 11, 2012

It's YOUR day, Girls

It's YOUR day, Girls

Journal Entry: Thu Oct 11, 2012, 9:09 AM
Happy 1st International Day Of The Girl (IDOTG), everybody. :)

Today in IDOTG news....

The Taliban is so afraid of a fourteen year old girl, that they  attempted to assassinate her because she expressed an interest in education.
Her desire to shrug off ignorance scares the "hell" out of the these religious extremists.

On another IDOTG note, here is a tweet from York Regional Police:

"GIRL POWER! Today is the 1st International Day of the Girl. Please share with us how you think this day will empower women around the globe."

I chirped back "Treating all females as equals will empower girls more than #DayOfTheGirl. How many female Chiefs has @YRP had?".

Since I don't expect an answer back from YRP,
I'll tell you, shall I?

Approximately ZERO.

If you look at the high-ranking positions at YRP, you will find they're almost exclusively filled by MALES.
If you want to be even more specific...WHITE MALES.

There is a marked difference between what YRP are espousing on this first IDOTG, and what they actually do in practice.

It's one thing to tweet support for something, but your ACTIONS should reflect your statements, don't you think?

I've worked for women, even had the pleasure of working for a female that was younger than I.
The respect I have for her remains to this day.
She was one of the best bosses I ever had.
Proficient and professional.

International Day of the Girl is a great idea, but, to quote the slogan of the York Regional Police..."DEEDS SPEAK".

Tweeting a PigI was looking for information on a robbery that happened yesterday.
I can't tell you where or what was robbed because I'm sworn to secrecy*.
I will say that a neighbour, who's brother is a law enforcement officer, was put in harm's way by an armed man...more on that later, as the information becomes more public.

So, while I was looking for info on this hold-up, I discovered that Joe Fantauzzi, who identifies himself as a "Public safety & justice reporter" is leaving his post.

No longer will we be treated to Joe Fantauzzi making slanderous (libellous?) allegations about runaway underage girls.

Never again will Joe be able to insinuate som
Not always as they appear"Hi Craig, they may have been engaged in duties that involved a debrief or discussion. Things are not always as they appear" tweeted @YRP (the York Regional Police twitter account) in response to this journal entry:

My reply to @YRP?

"Oh, I'm only too aware things are not always as they seem. I was treated like a criminal by YRP, no proof of wrongdoing".

@YRP has not disputed that they treated me like a criminal.
When given an opportunity in court to show they had just cause to treat me the way they did, York Regional Police declined.

The police also didn't refute that I had been mistreated by them when I gave testimon

Rumours of my DeathJust got back from Food Basics, the local grocery store.
A neighbour informed me that there was a nasty rumour going around about me.

Apparently this neighbour (who is one of the GOOD ones) was told that I had committed suicide.
Someone out there in Keswick has been saying that I hanged myself last week....charming.

Who knows? Perhaps this rumour-peddler heard that I was well-hung and got confused.

So I told my neighbour to tell the gossip "That's preposterous! Why would he hang himself after being elected Prime Minister of the Moon?".

It's about as likely as what was being stated as fact.

To those involved in this recent tittle-tattle
Keswick Gossip Dog WhistleSo it seems that some of the people belonging to the group Keswick Neighbourhood Watch on Facebook are intolerant.
Shocking, really.

People making dog-whistle insinuations in the form of a question.

People who should definitely NOT be making opinions based upon appearances making judgement calls about the "Deviant" part of the name, and about the "creepy" eyes in my fb ID, that are actually sunflowers...ooh...creepy.

People using imagery of violence and weapons when describing defending myself against attack.


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